Life Light and Application

LIFE LIGHT promotes the growth of microorganism in the soil. Its application includes fostering the growth of plants, rejuvenation of an aged tree, the recovery of a sick tree and mushroom culture. LIFE LIGHT is also used to overcome pollution problem caused by the use of agricultural chemical and non-organic fertilizers. It breaks down heavy metal, improves soil condition by activating the soil, promotes water circulation and improves the effect of soil disinfection.

Increase Yield 增加产量

Life Light increase yield of cultivation

Life Light 增加栽培的产量

C8BD1772 EEB4 430E A44A 7704C8E699AC

Extend storage shelf life 延长农作物的储藏寿命

Crops produce using Life Light able to extend its storage or shelf life.

使用Life Light栽培的农作物,可以延长其储存或货架寿命

E54E46AB 8FA2 47C5 B083 AEFBCD478706

Reduce contamination 解除病害及杂菌感染

Life Light reduce the contamination in soil or substrate

Life Light 可减少土壤或培养料(如种菇用的菇包)里的污染

951B6DD8 8EFE 414A AD70 C200EA63CCCE

Produce excellence crop 生产优良农作物

Life Light improve the quality of crops - retain the original taste of fruits, vegetable and other crops as well.

Life Light可提高农作物的质量-保留水果,蔬菜和其他农产原有的口味。

AA228051 03B9 4D96 A3BD 40DE672751DD